Thursday, 26 July 2012

Cleveland returns to Italy

Rhyton formerly in the Cleveland Museum of Art
The Cleveland Museum of Art has yet to issue collecting histories for the antiquities that were returned to Italy. So for convenience I have reissued the list in order of acquisition with some additional information.

The pieces appeared in the Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art:

1975.23: Etruscan duck askos. Purchase, J.H. Wade Fund [JSTOR]
1975.91: Sicilian pig. Gift of Dr Leo Mildenberg [JSTOR]
1977.92: Rhyton. Purchase, John L. Severance Fund [JSTOR]
1986.200: Apulian or Campanian lekanis. Gift of Jonathan P. Rosen [JSTOR]
1986.201: Gnathian epichysis. Gift of Jonathan P. Rosen [JSTOR]
1986.202: Gnathian epichysis. Gift of Jonathan P. Rosen [JSTOR]
1986.203: Gnathian lekythos. Gift of Jonathan P. Rosen [JSTOR]
1986.204: Campanian acorn lekythos. Gift of Jonathan P. Rosen [JSTOR]
1987.209: Campanian bird askos. Gift of Mr and Mrs Lawrence A. Fleischman [JSTOR]
1988.41: Apulian krater, Darius painter. Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund [JSTOR]
1990.1: Sardinian warrior. Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund [JSTOR]
1990.81: Corinthian krater. Purchase, J.H. Wade Fund [JSTOR]
1996.16-17: Etruscan silver bracelets. Gift of Edoardo M. Almagia and Courteney Keep in honor of Arielle P. Kozloff.

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