Monday, 5 May 2008

Towards a Bibliography for Archaeological Ethics

I have been preparing an introductory bibliography on Archaeological Ethics for my postgraduate students. This is at present located as a list on WorldCat. You can easily see the location of the nearest copy of the book to you (just type in your postcode or zipcode), or download (including to Endnote).

What would readers of Looting Matters recommend?

Leave a comment!


Robert Seddon said...

The Ethics of Archaeology: Philosophical Perspectives on Archaeological Practice, ed. Scarre & Scarre, is presumably the sort of thing you're looking for. (Declaration of interest: Geoffrey Scarre is my Ph.D. supervisor.)

Nathan Elkins said...

Here are a couple of sources I found while in Germany, which might be useful.

Flasher, M. (ed.). 2000. Bewahren als Problem. Schutz archäologischer Kulturgüter. Freiburg: Rombach Wissenschaften.

Heilmeyer, W.D. and Eule, J.C. (eds.). 2004. Illegale Archäologie? Internationale Konferenz über zukünftige Probleme bei unerlaubtem Antikentransfer,23. - 25.5.2003 in Berlin, aus Anlass des 15. Jahrestages der Berliner Erklärung. Berlin: Weißensee Verlag.

I've been told there are plans to translate the latter volume into English, but I've been unable to find out when this might happen. I do know the individual manuscripts have been translated.

dogscratcher said...

This will be an excellent resource for those of us in grad school too. Please make sure you keep a prominent link on your front page.

David Gill said...

There is a link to 'Introductory Bibliography' under links on the left hand column.

Nathan Elkins said...

A few more that I found in my notes, which I had forgot to mention before:

Graepler, D., B. Knittlmayer, and M. Mazzei. 1993. Fundort: unbekannt. Raubgrabungen zerstören das archäologische Erbe: eine Dokumentation. Munich: Druck Biering GmbH.

Niemeyer, H.G. 1995 Archäologie, Raubgrabungen und Kunsthandel. Podiumsdiskussionen auf der 23. Mitgliederversammlung des Deutschen Archäologen-Verbandes in Münster, 26. Juni 1993 Hannover: Schriften des Deutschen Archäologen-Verbandes, 13.

2006. Tatort Bodendenkmal. Archäologischer Juristentag 2005. Kolloquium in Köln am 19. April 2005, Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege.
Treis-Karden: Print Concept, Materialien zur Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland, 17.


Cleveland Museum of Art returns statue linked to Bubon

Source: Cleveland Museum of Art The Cleveland Museum of Art has agreed that the bronze figure acquired in 1986 will be returned to Türkiye. ...