Monday, 15 November 2010

Washington Lobbyist and Coins from Bulgaria

I have recently noted that the sale of some medieval coins from Bulgaria had been stopped. It now appears that Classical Numismatic Group Inc. (CNG), with an office in Bond Street, London, has issued a press statement. The release included this statement:
On 5 November, CNG's London office received a faxed letter from the Bulgarian Embassy in London notifying CNG that "The Bulgarian authorities have reasons to believe" that one of the lots in the CNG auction was part of a collection reportedly stolen in Bulgaria in 2007, and requesting CNG to withdraw the Bulgarian coins from the auction in order to allow the Bulgarian authorities to further investigate the matter.
The interesting thing is that the press release does not appear on the CNG website (as far as I can see). Is there a reason?

So where does the press release appear? On a paid-lobbyist's blog - and if you want to read the release you can click here because this same Washington lobbyist has thoughtfully left the text on Looting Matters. (There is a link to the lobbyist's original page.)

It appears that this same lobbyist is currently retained by two organisations: the International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN), and the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG).

The IAPN has apparently paid Bailey & Ehrenberg $20,000 this year for lobbying. (In 2009 is was $10,000.)

IAPN has also apparently paid $10,000 in 2010 to the DLM Group, and specifically to William B. Driggers and Marc P. Lupin.

CNG is a member of the IAPN.

Will the CNG disclose the name of the anonymous private collector who is reported to have consigned the coins at issue?

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Cultural Property Observer said...

David- I've noted previously that my blog is my own venture. I don't receive any remuneration for my effort. I am still waiting to hear who funds your press releases, if anyone. As for lobbying, see the AIA's latest on the Omnibus Lands bill. They lobby too in case you didn't notice. What is unclear is who pays for the trips to Washington for their lobbyists. Universities or someone else? We simply don't know. Can you find out and post it on your blog?

David Gill said...

You ask 'who funds your press releases, if anyone'? I refer you to Operation Baklava and Operation Tartuffo. I am still waiting for John Hooker to provide a source for his assertion that I 'pay a rate of $400 per 400 words for [my] frequent PR Newswire releases'. Or is Hooker 'creative' when it comes to facts?
Best wishes

David Gill said...

I see that the AIA is "encouraging the 111th Congress to pass a bipartisan Omnibus Lands Bill that will move forward the many bills intended to protect public lands in the United States. Cultural, historical, and natural preservation organizations have joined their voices by submitting a letter calling for action to conserve cultural resources and the environment, and also to stimulate economic growth through responsible recreation and tourism."
Is encouraging the same as paid lobbying?
For the AIA release: here.

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