Friday, 22 July 2011

Abdera Hoard Returned to Greece

The Greek press is reporting that North American coin collector Jonathan Kagan has returned a coin hoard to Greece ("Αμερικανός συλλέκτης επέστρεψε θησαυρό από τα Άβδηρα", Archaiologia online July 22, 2011 [in Greek]). It appears that the hoard surfaced on the market in 2000. The collection has been given to the Numismatic Museum in Athens. The hoard contains coins of Abdera.

The problem of identifying recently surfaced material is highlighted in the report: Η Ελλάδα δεν τα διεκδίκησε, προφανώς γιατί δεν είχε τεκμήρια για την παράνομη εξαγωγή τους από τη χώρα.

The wording of the report suggests that the return has been made voluntarily.

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