Friday, 30 November 2012

Nostoi: reflecting on cultural policy at UEA

Later today I will be exploring the return of cultural property to Greece and to Italy in the European Forum at UEA. I will be reviewing the scale of the market in antiquities and considering the bilateral agreement between Greece and Italy. We will then consider the objects that have been returned to Italy and to Greece from (mainly) North American public and private collections. Greece has used the "Nostoi" exhibition to widen the discussion to the return of architectural sculptures such as the Parthenon marbles. Finally I will consider how this is a wider problem for Europe and will consider issues from Spain, as well as the UK. How will the antiquities market in the UK comply with the ethical concerns of the wider political communities?

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But the issue of return of cultural property is wider than Europe. Would it not be appropriate to indicate this? They should avoid the situation where the Europeans agree to return looted objects within Europe but leave unanswered and untouched the question of returns to Africa, Asia and Latin America
Dr. Kwame Opoku

David Gill said...

I quite agree with you about the international dimension. However the lecture was for the European forum and we concentrated on the European dimension.
Best wishes

Worcester Art Museum Returns Hecht-linked Pots to Italy

Photo: Worcester Art Museum The Worcester Art Museum has returned two Attic pots to Italy; they are now back on loan to the museum (" W...