Saturday, 25 February 2017

Attic amphora from 'old Swiss collection' seized in New York

Source: Becchina archive
I understand that an Attic red-figured Nolan amphora attributed to the Harrow painter was seized from a New York Gallery on Friday. It shows a satyr with thyrsos.

The amphora features in Royal-Athena Galleries, Art of the Ancient World xxvii (2016) no. 100.

The collecting history is as follows:

  • Swiss private collection
  • Royal-Athena Galleries 2000, sold in 2002; Art of the Ancient World xi (2000) no. 90.
  • C. H. collection, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • 2003-2015: exhibited, Yale University Art Museum

The Becchina archive suggests that it was acquired on 15 March 1993.

I am grateful to Dr Christos Tsirogiannis for the information about the seizure.

Beazley archive: 23408

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