Tuesday, 15 May 2012

SLAM needs to adopt an ethical approach to the mummy mask

Rick St Hilaire has noted that attorneys for the St Louis Art Museum (SLAM) have rejected the request for the case relating to the mummy mask to be reopened.

It may have escaped the notice of the SLAM attorneys that the collecting history ("provenance") provided by the Swiss-based dealer is flawed. The curatorial team at SLAM now need to work with the Egyptian authorities to resolve the case.

How does SLAM explain the discrepancy?

SLAM needs to demonstrate that it has adopted the highest ethical and professional standards when it comes to the acquisition of archaeological material.

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Paul Barford said...

"SLAM needs to demonstrate that it has adopted the highest ethical and professional standards when it comes to the acquisition of archaeological material."

Quite obviously from all that has happened so far the people of St Louis could not give a tinkers for those "standards", they have their trophy and are determined to brazen it out in an effort to keep it.

"It's legal innit?"


Should the St. Louis Art Museum return the disputed Ka-Nefer-Nefer funeral mask to Egypt? Vote here: http://www.savingantiquities.org/the-home-page/polls/

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