Friday, 20 January 2017

Further damage at Palmyra

The BBC is reporting further damage at Palmyra ("Syria: IS destroys part of Palmyra amphitheatre", BBC News 20 January 2017). This includes the theatre (not amphitheatre) and the tetrapylon.

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1 comment:

Cultural Property Observer said...

Another tragedy. This one could probably been averted if Assad had not pulled out the troops that took Palmyra just a few months ago to help reduce Aleppo. Yet, Assad, the Russians and fellow travelers paint the regime as saviors of Syria's cultural heritage.

The Western archaeological community does not go that far, but they appear to consistently act as if the Syrian archaeological service is somehow not attached to the Assad regime. I suppose that will help justify repatriations to Assad even though Assad's military is responsible for looting and destruction of cultural heritage as well.

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