Friday, 24 December 2021

San Antonio Museum of Art and returning antiquities

Olpe formerly in the San Antonio Museum of Art

Back in 2012 Chasing Aphrodite identified material in the San Antonio Museum of Art that was linked to Edoardo Almagià. 

It is now clear that a number of items were deaccessioned in February 2021 and have now formed part of a major return of objects to Italy. The museum has an oblique reference in the Manhattan DA Press Release

The two pieces that were identified by Chasing Aphrodite are indeed here.

a. An Attic red-figured olpe showing Dionysos and a satyr, attributed to the Florence painter by J.R. Guy (inv. 86.30; cat. no. 60; BAPD 19167). Gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr. The deaccessioning statement:  "sold by Edoardo Almagià, New York, to the San Antonio Museum of Art, 1986". 

b. An Attic red-figured plate showing the head of a man (inv. 87.1; cat. no. 87.1; BAPD 19168). Museum Purchase: Grace Fortner Rider Fund. The deaccessioning statement: "found at Barbarano Romano, Italy, according to Edoardo Almagià; with Edoardo Almagià, New York, by 1986; sold by Edoardo Almagià to the San Antonio Museum of Art, 1987". Ian McPhee and A.D. Trendall had earlier suggested that it had been found in Cerveteri (1990). Barbarano Romano is to the south of Viterbo.

The third part of the return consists of 192 fragments of cups, also reported to have been found at Barbarano Romano, and stated to have been sold to Gilbert M. Denman, Jr. by Almagià in 1985.

c. An Attic black-figured Little Master cup (inv. 86.134.196a; cat. no. 178; BAPD 20266). Gift of Gilbert M. Denman, Jr.
d-j. Seven fragmentary Attic red-figured cups (inv. 86.134.196).
k. Other assorted fragments of cups, some red-figured some black-glossed (inv. 86.134.196).

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