Monday, 29 September 2008

The Graham Geddes Collection at Auction

As we look forward to the sale of the Graham Geddes collection at Bonhams in London this October, I though that it would be useful to review some of the recent sales of items from this Australian collection. The examples listed here were auctioned at Christie's.

  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 9 December 2005, lot 238. AN ATTIC RED-FIGURED CALYX-KRATER THE L.C. GROUP. Pre-Lot Text: ANCIENT VASES FROM THE COLLECTION OF WILLIAM SUDDABY. Provenance: with Graham Geddes, Australia, circa 1970s.

  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, lot 127. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE BELL-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE TRURO PAINTER. Pre-Lot Text: Property of a Melbourne Private Collector. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10-11 December 1984, lot 364; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10 December 1996, lot 187. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, part I, no26a. Exhibited: The Borchardt Library, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 1988-1994
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 140. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE BELL-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE PAINTER OF THE LONG OVERFALLS. Pre-Lot Text: PROPERTY OF AN AUSTRALIAN PRIVATE COLLECTION. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 12-13 December 1983, lot 534b; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, part I, no. 4/107a.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, lot 142. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE BELL-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE PAINTER OF THE LONG OVERFALLS. Provenance: Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, part I, no. 4/110f; Schauenberg, "Herakles und Eulen," RM, 1985, p.45, pl. 85-86,2-3.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 5 June 1998, Lot 239 ($3220) = New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 10 December 2004, Lot 501 ($5975). AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE BELL-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE DECHTER PAINTER. Provenance: Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; The Property of an Australian Collector; Christie's, New York, 5 June 1998, lot 239; The Property of a Louisiana Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, The Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, no. 10/79b, pl. XI, 3-4.
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 12 December 2002, lot 141. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURED BELL-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE TARPORLEY PAINTER. Provenance: Macciolli Collection, Melbourne, 1984; BGM Collection, Melbourne, 1988-1994; Graham Geddes Collection, Melbourne, 1994. Literature: Trendall, "Two bell-kraters in Melbourne by the Tarporley Painter" in Studies Cambitoglou; Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to The Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, Part I, no. 3/4a. Exhibited: On loan, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 1988-2002
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 8 June 2001, lot 169. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURED CALYX-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE UNDERWORLD PAINTER. Pre-Lot Text: VARIOUS PROPERTIES. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10 December 1984, lot 365; Private Collection, 1984-1994; Graham Geddes Collection, 1994-present. Literature: Trendall, "Two Apulian Calyx-Kraters with Representations of Amphion and Zethos" in Enthousiasmos Vol. 6, Festschrift Hemelrijk, Allard Pierson Series, pp. 157-166; Heger, "Dirke" in LIMC, III, p. 636, no. 6, pl. 505,5; Trendall, Red Figure Vases of South Italy and Sicily, no. p. 91, no. 211; Trendall, "On the Divergence of South Italian from Attic Red-figure Vase-painting," pl. 24,4 in Descoeudres, ed., Greek Colonists and Native Populations; Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, Part I, no. 18/318a.
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 8 June 2001. lot 170. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURED CALYX-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE DARIUS PAINTER. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 13-14 December 1982, lot 291; Private Collection, 1982-1994; Graham Geddes Collection, 1994-present. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, Supplement I, no. 18/64d; Trendall, "Two Apulian Calyx-Kraters with Representations of Amphion and Zethos" in Enthousiasmos, Festchrift Hemelrijk, Vol. 6, Allard Pierson Series, pp. 157-166. Exhibited: Museum of Mediterranean Antiquities, Monash University, Melbourne, on loan 1994-2001
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, lot 132. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE COLUMN-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE PATERA PAINTER. Pre-Lot Text: Property of a Melbourne Private Collector. Provenance: Brought to England prior to 1920; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 13-14 July 1981, lot 350; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10 December 1996, lot 181.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 5 June 1998, lot 236. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE COLUMN-KRATER, A-SIDE ATTRIBUTED TO THE BALTIMORE PAINTER, B-SIDE ATTRIBUTED TO THE STOKE ON TRENT PAINTER. Provenance: Property of a Nobleman, brought to England prior to 1920; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 13 July 1981, lot 347; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 8 December 1994, lot 157. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, The Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, vol. II, no. 27/224a, pl. 339, 5-6.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 128. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE VOLUTE-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE PAINTER OF COPENHAGEN 4223. Pre-Lot Text: PROPERTY OF AN AUSTRALIAN PRIVATE COLLECTOR. Provenance: Once Swiss Market; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 11 December 1984, lot 599; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, First Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, no.17/40c; Schauenburg, "Flügelgestalten auf unteritalischen Grabvasen," JdL 102, p.205, fig.6-7.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, lot 129. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE VOLUTE-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE DE SCHULTHESS PAINTER. Pre-Lot Text: Property of a Melbourne Private Collector. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 12 December 1988, lot 165; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, no. 17/76, pl. xxxii,1-2; Schauenburg, "Flügelgestalten auf unteritalischen Grabvasen," JdI, 1987, pp. 199-282.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 130. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE VOLUTE-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE PAINTER OF BM F281. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 23 May 1988, lot 216; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10 December 1996, lot 197. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, part I, no. 17/62a, pl. XXXI, 5-6.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 135. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE VOLUTE-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE SAMARCANDE GROUP, ASSOCIATED WITH THE PAINTER OF THE MACINAGROSSA STAND. Pre-Lot Text: Property of a Melbourne Private Collector. Provenance: Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10 December 1996, lot 196. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, part II, no. 27/574, pl. lxxxi,1-2.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 136. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE VOLUTE-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE PAINTER OF TARANTO 7013. Provenance: German Market; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 19 May 1986, lot 316; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, The Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, vol. II, no. 28/39a.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, lot 137. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE VOLUTE-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE PAINTER OF BERLIN F 3383. Pre-Lot Text: PROPERTY OF AN AUSTRALIAN PRIVATE COLLECTOR. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10-11 December 1984, lot 600; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red- Figured Vases of Apulia, no. 28/64e; Schauenburg, "Zur zwei Krateren des Malers von Berlin F 3383" in Festschrift Himmelmann, 1989, pl. 37,2-3.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1998, Lot 106. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE VOLUTE-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE GROUP OF COPENHAGEN 4223. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 21 May 1984, lot 408; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 8 December 1994, lot 330. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, The Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, no. 17/50-10, pl. xxx, 3.
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 12 June 2002, Lot 39. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURED VOLUTE-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE BALTIMORE PAINTER. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 11 July 1988, lot 184; Bongiorno Collection, Melbourne, 1988-1994; Buxton Collection, Melbourne, 1994-1998; Geddes Collection, Melbourne, 1994-present. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to The Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, Part II, no. 27/11b. Exhibited: University of Melbourne, 1990-1998
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 133. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE AMPHORA ATTRIBUTED TO THE BALTIMORE PAINTER. Pre-Lot Text: PROPERTY OF AN AUSTRALIAN PRIVATE COLLECTOR. Provenance: Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red Figured Vases of Apulia, part II, no. 27/40c, pl. lxxiii,1; Schauenberg, "Baltimoremaler und Bellerophon" in Jb. Musem K. und G., Hamburg, 3, 1984, p. 36, fig. 39.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 5 June 1998, lot 233. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE PELIKE ATTRIBUTED TO THE SIREN CITHARIST. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 9 December 1988, lot 171; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 8 December 1994, lot 328. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, The First Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, no. 18/334b1; Schauenburg, JdI 104, 1989, pl. 22, pp. 1-60.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 131. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE LOUTROPHOROS ATTRIBUTED TO THE PATERA PAINTER. Pre-Lot Text: PROPERTY OF AN AUSTRALIAN PRIVATE COLLECTOR. Provenance: Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, part II, no. 23/52-1, pl. lix,1.
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 12 December 2002, Lot 145. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURED LOUTROPHOROUS (TYPE III=BARREL AMPHORA) ATTRIBUTED TO THE WHITE SACCOS PAINTER, CIRCA 320-310 B.C. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 13 July 1987, lot 309; Graham Geddes Collection, Melbourne, 1987. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to The Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, Part II, no. 29/4-1. Exhibited: On loan, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 1988-2002
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 134. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE HYDRIA ATTRIBUTED TO THE BALTIMORE PAINTER. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10-11 December 1984, lot 368; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, part II, no. 27/52d.
  • New York, Park Avenue 5 June 1998: lot 237. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE SKYPHOS ATTRIBUTED TO THE FOGG GROUP. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 13 July 1981, lot 353; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 8 December 1994, lot 304. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, The First Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, 30/53a.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1998, Lot 105. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE SKYPHOS ATTRIBUTED TO THE LIVERPOOL PAINTER. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 19 May 1986, lot 159; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 8 December 1994, lot 329. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, no. 21/297b.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 143. AN APULIAN RED-FIGURE SKYPHOS ATTRIBUTED TO THE FOGGIA/BASSANO GROUP. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 10-11 December 1984, lot 597; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall and Cambitoglou, Second Supplement to the Red-Figured Vases of Apulia, part II, no. 30/26d, pl.cvii,5.
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 12 December 2002, Lot 142. A LUCANIAN RED-FIGURED BELL-KRATER ATTRIBUTED TO THE ANABATES PAINTER, CIRCA 380 B.C. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 23 May 1988, lot 220; BGM Collection, Melbourne, 1988-1994; Graham Geddes Collection, Melbourne, 1994. Exhibited: On loan, Monash University, Melbourne, 1989-2002
  • New York, Park Avenue: 18 December 1997, Lot 149. A PAESTAN RED-FIGURE LEBES GAMIKOS ATTRIBUTED TO THE ASTEAS/PYTHON WORKSHOP. Provenance: Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 21 May 1984, lot 372; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection. Literature: Trendall, The Red-figured Vases of Paestum, no. 6/192, pl. 78c-d.
  • New York, Park Avenue: 5 June 1998, lot 245 ($4600) = New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 10 December 2004, lot 494 ($10,158). A PAESTAN RED-FIGURE AMPHORA ATTRIBUTED TO THE PAINTER OF WURZBURG H 5379. Provenance: Anonymous sale; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 9 December 1985, lot 367; Melbourne, Graham Geddes Collection; Antiquities, Sotheby's London, 8 December 1994, lot 159; The Property of an Australian Collector; Christie's, New York, 5 June 1998, lot 245; The Property of a Louisiana collection. Literature: Trendall, The Red-Figured Vases of Paestum, no. 381, pl. 119, c-d.
Marble sarcophagi
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 11 June 2003, Lot 220. A ROMAN MARBLE CHILD'S SARCOPHAGUS FRAGMENT. Provenance: Macciolli Collection, Melbourne, 1983; Graham Geddes Collection, Melbourne, 1985. Exhibited: Monash University, Melbourne, 1995-2002


  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 5 - 6 December 2001, lot 680. A ROMAN MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL: goddess. Provenance: Australian Private Collection, prior to 1980; Graham Geddes Collection, 1980-present. Exhibited: Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, July 1982-June 1984; Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, July 1985-June 1986; Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, Classics Department, January 1988-December 1989
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 5 - 6 December 2001, lot 681. A ROMAN MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL: 'Africa'. Provenance: Australian Private Collection, prior to 1980; Graham Geddes Collection, 1980-present. Exhibited: Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, July 1982-June 1984; Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, July 1985-June 1986; Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, Classics Department, January 1988-December 1989
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 5 - 6 December 2001, lot 682. A ROMAN MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL: 'Phrgyian cap'. Provenance: Australian Private Collection, prior to 1980; Graham Geddes Collection, 1980-present. Exhibited: Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, July 1982-June 1984; Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, July 1985-June 1986; Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, Classics Department, January 1988-December 1989
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 5 - 6 December 2001, lot 683. A ROMAN MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL: goddess. Provenance: Australian Private Collection, prior to 1980; Graham Geddes Collection, 1980-present. Exhibited: Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, July 1982-June 1984; Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, July 1985-June 1986; Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, Classics Department, January 1988-December 1989
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 11 June 2003, lot 226. A ROMAN MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL. Provenance: Australian Private Collection, prior to 1980; Graham Geddes Collection, 1980-present. Exhibited: The University of Melbourne, July 1982-June 1984 and July 1985-June 1986; The University of Melbourne, Classics Department, January 1988-December 1989
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 11 June 2003, lot 229. A BYZANTINE MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL. Provenance: Graham Geddes Collection. Exhibited: The University of Melbourne, 1982-1989
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 11 June 2003, lot 230. A LATE ROMAN MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL. Provenance: Graham Geddes Collection. Exhibited: The University of Melbourne, 1982-1989
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 11 June 2003, Lot 232. A BYZANTINE MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL. Provenance: Graham Geddes Collection. Exhibited: The University of Melbourne, 1982-1989
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 11 December 2003, lot 245: A ROMAN MARBLE MOSAIC PANEL. Provenance: European Private Collection, prior to 1980; Graham Geddes Collection, 1980-present. Exhibited: Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, July 1982 - June 1984; July 1985 - June 1986; (Classics Department) January 1988 - December 1989.
  • New York, Rockefeller Plaza: 11 December 2003, lot 251. TWO ROMAN MARBLE MOSAIC PANELS. Provenance: European Private Collection, prior to 1980; Graham Geddes Collection, 1980-present. Exhibited: Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, July 1982 - June 1984; July 1985 - June 1986; (Classics Department) January 1988 - December 1989.
The sources are:
  • Sotheby's London, 13 July 1981, lot 347
  • Sotheby's London, 13-14 July 1981, lot 350
  • Sotheby's London, 13 July 1981, lot 353
  • Sotheby's London, 13-14 December 1982, lot 291
  • Sotheby's London, 12-13 December 1983, lot 534b
  • Sotheby's London, 21 May 1984, lot 372
  • Sotheby's London, 21 May 1984, lot 408
  • Sotheby's London, 10-11 December 1984, lot 368
  • Sotheby's London, 10-11 December 1984, lot 364
  • Sotheby's London, 10 December 1984, lot 365
  • Sotheby's London, 10-11 December 1984, lot 597
  • Sotheby's London, 11 December 1984, lot 599
  • Sotheby's London, 10-11 December 1984, lot 600
  • Sotheby's London, 9 December 1985, lot 367
  • Sotheby's London, 19 May 1986, lot 159
  • Sotheby's London, 19 May 1986, lot 316
  • Sotheby's London, 13 July 1987, lot 309
  • Sotheby's London, 23 May 1988, lot 216
  • Sotheby's London, 23 May 1988, lot 220
  • Sotheby's London, 11 July 1988, lot 184
  • Sotheby's London, 9 December 1988, lot 171
  • Sotheby's London, 12 December 1988, lot 165
  • Sotheby's London, 10 December 1996, lot 196

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