Thursday, 17 June 2010

"Preserving this rich heritage"

I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to colleagues at Swansea University's Egypt Centre. In a speech to be delivered later today, Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) Heritage minister Alun Ffred Jones will be launching a new museum strategy for Wales ("Welsh Museums Look to the Future", WAG Press Release June 16, 2010 [Welsh language version]; "Museums in Wales urged to appeal to the young", BBC June 16, 2010). This will take place in the Swansea Museum, founded in 1841 and also home to Egyptian antiquities.

The minister is quoted:
"Wales is a unique and enriching place in which to live and work, with a distinctive character ... The museums of Wales play a critical part in both preserving this rich heritage and in sharing the excitement of their stories locally, nationally and internationally. Museums need to build on their tradition of working together to make effective use of resources.
The strategy document draws attention to the award-winning volunteering scheme at the Egypt Centre. The BBC report has an interview with Assistant Curator Wendy Goodridge.

Gill, David W.J. "From Wellcome Museum to Egypt Centre: Displaying Egyptology in Swansea." Göttinger Miszellen 205 (2005): 47-54.

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