Monday, 18 October 2010

PAS Annual Reports

I have been working on an invited discussion of the Portable Antiquities Scheme and have been frustrated by the absence of annual reports on their website.

So here they are:

I would be grateful for further links.

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Daniel Pett said...

You could have written and asked. They are there: etc
Where available pdfs are linked. More recent ones haven't been published.
You can get more stats directly from the link I sent you last week:
We're far more transparent in our recording than any other archaeological organisation I can think of. Getting rather fed up with all the sledging the scheme gets.

David Gill said...

Thank you, though the logical place would be under "Annual Reports".

Daniel Pett said...

Hi David,
You're quite correct with the link that you gave, they are available there (on the left hand side menu). They can be reached through clicking on news and reports. They can also be found in the getinvolved/publications link, which is just an aggregator for all the pdfs on our google docs account. The information architecture of the site is based around what people search for. News is more searched for and visited than annual reports. Therefore I placed it as news & reports.
You should also be looking at the commissioned reviews, and the aggregated articles and parliamentary comments which can be found in the same section. If you want other people's views on the data we collect or the things we do, have a look at the research list. Some of the people on it may share their work with you, if finished. Hinton's book has a good section, as does the VASLE work from York. You'll also find Biddle wrote some stuff a few years back. The stats only tell a partial story. The stats you find on the database have changed I should think since publication of the report; if we find duplicates or we have say worked out the numbers in a coin hoard, figures may differ.
When I get time, I'll have a general site search integrated, but like everything in the Scheme, I'm building the site on a shoestring. I don't have a development company to do the work....
PS Can you get comment forms integrated on your theme? The pop outs aren't great for accessibility.

Cleveland Museum of Art returns statue linked to Bubon

Source: Cleveland Museum of Art The Cleveland Museum of Art has agreed that the bronze figure acquired in 1986 will be returned to Türkiye. ...