Monday, 20 October 2008

The Graham Geddes Collection: Previous Loans

The lots withdrawn from the sale of the Graham Geddes collection at Bonhams on October 15, 2008 had previously been on display in four separate locations in Melbourne, Australia. Indeed, other parts of the collection had been on loan to different museums (e.g. Apulian pottery at auction in October 2008; earlier material sold through Christie's).

What were the loan policies of these museums? Do the museums require loans to have a recorded history that can be traced back before the 1970 UNESCO Convention?

Melbourne, the National Gallery of Victoria
  • Lot 6. Attic black-figure column krater, attributed to the Swing painter. Loan: April 2005 - April 2008.
  • Lot 10. A large early Apulian red-figure hydria, attributed to the painter of the Berlin Dancing Girl. Loan: April 2005 - April 2008.

The University of Melbourne
  • Lot 6. Attic black-figure column krater, attributed to the Swing painter. Loan: March 1988 - February 1994
  • Lot 26. A small Campanian red-figure bell krater, attributed to the Danaid painter. Loan: March 1995 - July 2003
  • Lot 36. A Campanian red-figure neck amphora, attributed to near the Chequer and Dirce painters. Loan: March 1988 - July 2003.
  • Lot 133. A South Italian terracotta figure of Eros. Loan: March 1988 - July 2003.

  • See Peter Connor, 'Greek vases from the Geddes' Collection on loan in Melbourne University Gallery', Iris, 1988, pp. 21-42. [Reference]

Melbourne, La Trobe University, the Borchardt Library
  • Lot 9. A large Attic red-figure bell krater, attributed to the Retorted painter. Loan: March 1995 - April 2008.
  • Lot 15. An Apulian red-figure trefoil-lipped oinochoe. Loan: February 1997 - April 2008.
  • Lot 28. A small Apulian red-figure bell krater, attributed to the Perrone - Phryxos group. Loan: March 1988 - April 2008.

Melbourne, Monash University, Museum of Mediterranean Antiquities
  • Lot 10. A large early Apulian red-figure hydria, attributed to the painter of the Berlin Dancing Girl. Loan: March 1995 - April 2005
  • Lot 26. A small Campanian red-figure bell krater, attributed to the Danaid painter. Loan: November 2005 - April 2008
  • Lot 36. A Campanian red-figure neck amphora, attributed to near the Chequer and Dirce painters. Loan: November 2005 - April 2008.

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